LA County Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiative

On July 21, 2020, the 5 LA County Supervisors unanimously passed a motion by Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas to establish an Anti-Racist Los Angeles County Policy Agenda addressing “generational inequality and systemic anti-Black racism”. The motion calls for foundational, Countywide change in all policies and programs to comprehensively transform outcomes in family stability, physical and mental health, housing, education, employment and economic development, and public safety and criminal justice. In response, the County CEO instituted a Board-directed priority to eliminate racism and bias in the County and created the Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion (ARDI) Initiative.
Human Relations Commission staff members collaborate with Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza, Executive Director of Racial Equity for Los Angeles County, who leads the ARDI Initiative. As members of interdepartmental ARDI workgroups we are actively engaged in supporting strategic planning for the initiative with a current focus on
- setting goals for transformational advance in life conditions of Black people and others across the County who have been and continue to be inequitably disadvantaged and disenfranchised,
- identifying processes for substantive engagement with community, business, academic, philanthropic, and government stakeholders, and
- creating experiences to cultivate consciously anti-racist cultures and climates throughout the County government structure and the communities, organizations, businesses, cities, jurisdictions, and institutions in LA County.
A primary role in this effort involves the planning and production of an annual report of the state of Black LA County. The Anti-Racism Motion expressly directs the Executive Director of the Human Relations Commission and the CEO to commission this report and present its findings each June to the Board of Supervisors providing an assessment of progress on intended outcomes.